The Telepathy Twins: Chapter #7

“I think it’s bout’ time you kids enrolled in school!” Bert yelled walking into the little closet that Adam and Adla had called home for the past month.

“Morning’ Bert” Adam responded as cheerful and happy as ever.

“Yall hear me?” He asked. “I think it’s bout’ time you kids went to school” he repeated himself.

In a soft tone “yes, we heard you the first time Bert” Adla responded.

“Well, yer minors and you’ve been here a month, it’s bout time you went to school” Bert said. “I already took the liberty in buying you yer things, as he handed both of them backpacks. “Ya know where the high school is, you’ve seen it before, go up to the main office, and…”

“We’ve been to high school before Bert” Adam cut in.

We’re ditching Adla spoke to Adam telepathically.

“Well, yall will be off now, it starts soon, I think”

Before they left Bert had a nice greasy home cooked breakfast waiting for them. Adla hugged him and said thanks for everything he had done, because those would be the goodbyes of the twins.

They walked out heading out of sight of Bert. They appreciated everything he did for them, and after a month the twins had learned that bert was a kind man who wanted kids but his wife died during giving birth killing both her and the child. That’s probably why he was so great with them. Despite their past he never asked questions and never tried to force them to do something they didn’t want to do, but legally to stay there they had to go to school, and within a month talk went around the small town they were in that the twins were staying there.

Around noon they both started getting more hungry, but instead of going into a place to eat they went into a motel for a place to stay.

“Hey” The guy behind the desk said. He had the blood shot eyes of a smoker, and there was weed next to the cash register. His shirt was dirty and torn. He had a half shaved beard and bad breath. His Metallica t-shirt was torn, sweaty, and stained. Despite all of that, they twins needed a place to stay.

I don’t know Adla spoke to Adam. He glanced at her and took a step forward towards the man behind the counter.

“We need a place to stay” Adam said.

“No shit” the man behind the desk said. “Fine, we have some rooms, you pay when you’re done with your stay. ID’s?” the man asked.

“Oh yes” Adam responded. Adla just stood still behind them. They stood their for a second as the man’s wallet started wiggling.

“You got your ID’s or what kid” he asked.

“Yes sir” Adam replied. The man behind the desk looked disgusted by his manners. The wallet came out of the pocket of the man, and the man behind the desk never noticed. Adam took the wallet into his hands and took out the ID.

“Huh I have a wallet just like that” The man behind the desk said while glaring at him. Adam handed him the ID and the credit card. When Adam handed the man the ID he covered the picture and the man never suspected a thing.

“Looks legit man” and he handed the twins the keys. Just as they were leaving the main office of the hotel to their rooms, Adam popped back into the office and said “Have a nice day” and in an instant without the man behind the desk noticing, the wallet went back to the man’s pocket.

The kids opened up the room of the little motel and Adam said looking at Adla “Hope you enjoy your free stay”. They laughed and walked in.

Adla threw a pillow at Adam “You idiot that could have gone so wrong!” she said while laughing, but tried to stay serious.

“But it didn’t” he said smirking at her “and besides, you said to only use our powers during emergencies, and I think this was a pretty big emergency.” he said.

“Okay fair point” She said flopping on the bed smiling.

“There’s only one bed” Adam pointed out. Adla looked at him, then looked at the ground, then looked up at him again, then pointed on the ground. They hung out in their room watching TV for awhile, and they waited until 10:00pm to order their linner. They decided that it would be best if they ordered dinner at night when it was dark so that the people bringing the dinner couldn’t really see them, and they ordered a lot of food being that they hadn’t’ eaten anything but the greasy diner food.

As time started going by it started to get to be 1:00am and Adam was on the ground making his bed, and Adla was laying on her bed comfortably, just watching Full House. They then turned off the TV deciding that they should get more sleep, because they were going to leave tomorrow morning before the sun came up.

The room was silent, all the lights were out. Adla was cuddled up in her blanket, and Adam was currled up on the ground.

“Hey Adam” she Adla whispered in a soft tone.

“Yes Adla?” Adam responded with his face against the floor.

“Adam we can’t stay here, and we can’t run for the rest of our lives. When we leave what are we going to do?”

“I don’t know Adla, we kind of have to make it up as we go, but if you ask me, I think we have to figure out who is tracking us, who killed our parents, and who killed Chase, who tried to kidnap us, I think only then will we figure out what we are, because you know it Adla, we’re not human” he responded.


“Yeah Adla”

“I love you”

“I love you too”

April 23, 2017 6:47pm

My Life Monday #1

What’s cooking good looking? Isn’t it about time for an update? Well, you probably don’t care but I hope you read on. Today is the last day of spring break I am mentally hanging on by a thread. I went to church and everybody was talking about school, and I told them to stop using the “S Word” man that word sends shivers down my spine.

So, I have school tomorrow. WAIT. Did you feel that shiver too? I guess it’s just me. I thought I might recap Spring Break 2017.  I got a lot of time to relax. My friends and I made a lot of plans. I also did a lot of work, my goats are now in my opinion as fair ready as they can get, and I had a lot of good vibes.

My friends John, Victor, and JoJo all got together at my house so they could film at my house for their YouTube channels, and so I could film some things for a possible Film Friday. We took a surprisingly huge amount of Polaroid pictures, watched Nacho Libre and stuffed our faces with pizza, chips, and marshmallows. To top it all of I can’t hang out with JoJo without fighting, and we ended up fighting over the couch. It was a good night.

We took a lot of Polaroids…

My camera Brendon also broke. It scares me every time I think of it. I will probably lose my gig taking prom pictures for my friend, and that camera was like a piece of me because I love photography and now I don’t have a camera.

I am also starting to try and run more, I am running the mile at about 10-11 minutes, once I get into single diet minutes on my mile, I’ll start running two miles. I haven’t been consistently in shape, and not consistently eating healthy, but I am still in shape and still trying to eat healthy. I used to always show during the summer, but now I don’t have to! That means that although I have a lot of work to do, I can do actual full time workouts and have a lot of time to myself, and if JoJo isn’t always at summer camp, and some of my other friends are free we can hang more.

I should stop thinking about the future and focus about the present, because I have to pass my first drivers ed test so that when I turn 15 1/2 I can get my drivers permit. I don’t need to drive, but I would like to have my licence before I go to college, and it’s not like I’m going to have a car and be able to drive to school. Let’s be real high school isn’t a movie. I also need to get a handle on whatever the heck is going on in Geometry I love math, especially algebra but I have to understand how to take the numbers that are in the shapes and put them into the algebraic equations.

In all honesty despite how much I don’t want to go back to Hell (what me and my friends refer to as school), I only have to go for a week, because then the next week I am gone to the fair for another week with no school. But in reality I need to get everything squared away with my teachers so that I can keep my grades up. Last time I was gone for a week none of my teachers gave me the respected amount of time to make it up, not to mention every single teacher has a different confusing policy on how to make up the dang assignments.

But fair week will be great. So much junk food, and my friends and I planed a ride night so we can ride all the rides at the fair. It’s partially for JoJo’s birthday, the rest of the reason for having one is because all of my friends need to experience a ride night at a fair.

As usual this was all over the place, I’ll work on that but for now I’ll catch ya on the flip side.






My Faith Monday #2

Hey. Happy late Easter. So I have been meaning to write on the topic of a My Faith Monday for a while now. I could have done a review of The Chainsmokers new album (I love it), but with Easter I decided it would be most fitting to do a My Faith Monday. If you didn’t already know I am a Christian. I am going to be honest I am not a huge ‘Bible Thumper’ that preaches 24/7 and I’m not 100% close to God. I don’t completely understand the bible, and all the history but what I do have is my faith. I was trying really hard to feel God in me. The thing is though I was raised in a Christian family so I grew up knowing him. My church is very laxed, very small, and very much so my home. I wasn’t always exposed to all the things that the rest of my friends were (because where I actually live everyone is Catholic, not that that’s a bad thing) but as I grew up I started learning more and more.

Then some… things occurred within my family. It was like the glow stick being cracked. I had been in the dark so long, and I felt like life was breaking apart but then in the end life started to glow. That part where life kind of broke, was when God was working in my life, and now life is honestly great.

I still don’t completely feel Him in my life. When everything was breaking in my life, I would pray and yell and scream out to Him when I was alone and it felt like I was talking to a wall. I still don’t have an air tight relationship, and I am so bad at trusting sometimes I wonder if this is actually doing anything in my life, if this is real or not, but today I got a reminder that God is real, and He is alive, and that He is something true to believe in. You never know what to believe in sometimes, and you never want to be tricked and look like such an idiot for believing something that was never real because you were desperate but today I got a reminder that God is real giving me something real to believe in.

When we were talking about Easter at church today, I was reminded of not only the story of Easter, but I was reminded of the pure and true historical facts proving the real existence of God and those facts not being able to explain everything. Easter isn’t about a giant bunny that lays eggs for children all over the world, (which by the way makes no sense) but it is historically proven that Easter is the celebration of when Jesus the son of God was crucified, he was put away in a tomb, the very next day (Easter Sunday), he was found gone. He had conquered the grave and when He died and rose he took away our sins so that we may have an eternal life with hi. I don’t know it just kind of resonated with me. I don’t have any huge tight relationship with God, but I think I can feel him.

Fitness Friday #2

Not that this will be the most interesting thing in the world, but I find it quite helpful. Fridays are always the hardest, I never know what to do on Fridays, I don’t always get the time to edit pictures but if you have any ideas for what you want to see on Fridays, please comment bellow. And as lame as it may sound, we have over twenty followers on the blog now… *lets out a sarcastic yay* so thank you for supporting me and please continue to. Now on to Fitness Friday.

If you guys read my last life update post, you would know that I have been super busy, and I have not been able to work out everyday, but I am trying to work with my animals almost every day. It’s not always the same, but what does help is eating healthy so basically this blog will be about how I meal prep.


Breakfasts are normally super good. I normally just try to have one main thing to eat that is filled with protein, because with protein you feel fueled for the first part of your day. Sometimes I just throw a bunch of fruit, frozen berries, and yogurt into a blender. If it comes out thick I will put it in a bowl and eat it with a spoon. I a bit of honey, granola, and berries on top. Note: honey and lemon juice are great for the skin so I try to use them in my food often. Another good idea following the smoothie theme is that you can freeze fruit in a bag, then take the bag of frozen fruit out when you want to have it then you take the bag of fruit out of the freezer and blend it. Berries tend to give you lots of energy. But if I’m not feeling like that I will take two eggs, spinach, cilantro, parsley, tajin, salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, carrizo and whatever sounds good, and I just scramble it all with the eggs. Super protein filled, but you just have to pace yourself on the amount that you are consuming. There are many other breakfast foods out there but these are my top three so finally I am brought to the mug cake. This can be a healthy mug cake, or even a healthy dessert. Comment bellow if you want the recipe, but I make a breakfast mug cake ad I add blueberries for even more pizazz.


I try to make a sort of main course, then add snacks to it. For example last Sunday I made a pizza. The pizza was made of a gluten free bread, and I’m going to be honest I am no vegan or vegitarian, and I was raised by farmers so I know that organic isn’t always better, but this bread was whole grain, and it had less fat. Not to mention it was super delicious. (I was surprised that it was the first time I tried it). I covered that pizza in cheese, meat, veggies and spices. I cut the pizza up into moderate slices, and I had a slice every day. I would pre package the slices so in the morning it was a sort of grab and go. If you want the recipe for the pizza, just ask in the comments.

Another idea for the main course can be a shaker salad. I would make a salad, and shove everything I wanted into a Mason Jar. When lunchtime came I would put some dressing in it, shake it up, then eat it. I put everything but the kitchen sink in my salads just as well as the pizza.

The sorts of snacks I add to these to make a full meal is fruit, apple slices with peanut butter, trail mix, things like that.


I normally don’t meal prep dinner because I normally have time to make a decent dinner.

So thanks for reading, tell me what other things you want me to do. Comment bellow for those recipes. Next time I think I will try to better plan my post and add more pictures to show you. I also want to try to do Filming Fridays, and my friends and I are getting together so we can film some videos. I can’t film videos every week, but maybe once a month at least. Thanks again for liking and subscribing, if you find me tolerable please like and subscribe for more. Oh, and check out my instagram @thatgirlissie so that you can continue to see my photography, because some of my friends are having me take their prom pictures and have agreed to be in any form of social media promotion of themselves as possible.

Happy Easter!



April 10, 2017 5:09pm

What up party people?

I’ve never said that before, and I doubt anyone would ever want me to say it again. Life has been pretty busy and yet so dull lately. I don’t do my daily workouts every day because livestock showing is upon us. At my school’s FFA program you can go to three fairs. I happen to be going to all three of those fairs and showing three specis of animals.

Fair #1:

-Breeding goats

-Market goats

Fair #2:

-Breeding goats

-Market goats


Fair #3:

-Breeding goats


-Possibly a dairy goat

-Possibly a buck (uncastrated male goat)

If you can’t tell I am totally into the boat biz. I have three does (female goats) at my house, whom I have to breed this summer so I can have my own product of genetics to show next year. One of those does I plan to show at three fairs. I also have two wethers (castrated male goats). They are for market purposes (by the way goat meat is high in protein and super healthy). But long story short I have been showing goats for six years now, so at this point I breed my animals and do some real competitive stuff. Because I am so competitive and I want to win I put hours and hours in on these goats, and let me tell you, it gets tiring. I also have to work with my horse, which I have a lot of fun with, but it is time consuming. Finally I gave my heifer, that I plan to put into the beef bred heifer program that my FFA offers next year. With almost everything I do, I am in it to win it, and it takes time to make something worth winning, but I love to do it.

I also have been trying super hard to pull my grades up, and you guys probably know that I haven’t been that fluid with my blog posts, but that is because I have been doing so much.

I have so much I want to write about, I feel very inspired, but by the time I get to the blog on my to do list I am totally out like a light.

I try and go to school dressing somewhat fashion forward I guess you can say. I never do, but if I dress like I’m awake it forces me to stay awake sometimes.

Life is going pretty great, but if I’m being honest I still need to get myself straight with God. Just to start diving into him, if that makes any sense, a My Faith Monday is coming soon. As well as a Music Monday because The Chainsmokers just released a new album. <3.

I feel like I am starting to let myself be slightly extroverted more and more. I will never be an extroverted person, nor do I want to be, but just some of the traits that they have, are traits I want to resemble.

JoJo and I still fight all the time, but that’s just because we’re basically siblings. The other night I tried to play Pokémon Planet with him. I knew where I needed to go to get my starter pokémon, I just didn’t know how to get them, so I sat there for awhile until Joe came to the starting village to help me out, and we texted back and forth as I was training my Charizard, he was just beating the crap out of the little lvl. 4-5 pokémon arround with his lvl. 17. Eventually my computer died. Poor Fitz (the name of my computer, named after Fitz from Marvel’s Agents of Shield). I could not re charge it because I had loaned my charger to a friend, who had it over the weekend. Today is Monday, and I got it back.

Tonight I want to do some dancing, take a shower, then have an early night, because I haven’t been able to really take time to chill or do something I wanted to do, and dancing is very relaxing to me, so I’mma have fun with that.

Sorry that this post was so all over the place, but I felt it would be nice if I updated, besides, it was therapeutic for me too. Chapter I don’t know, I think five of It Girl just went up, so check that out, if you don’t remember what happened last chapter, in the search bar on the right of this post type It Girl Chapter Four, or you can just read my post called Chapter Reviews to keep up with the stories.

If you find me tolerable please like and subscribe. The subscribe/follow button is on the home page on my blog just below the section on my music, so please subscribe, and to like, the button is down below. Thanks to everyone that is supporting me, I love to write and this is what I hope to do for the rest of my life.

See you on Wednesday, catch ya on the flip side!


It Girl: Chapter Five

The two of them sat in silence for awhile. Then Annabelle started to break the ice “Some conversation we are having” she said.

“I’m sorry” Skyler responded. “If I’m being honest I thought that talking to be you would be cool, you seem really cool, but my anxiety always gets in the way. It did the first time we met and it’s still getting away now, I don’t have any friends so I wouldn’t know how to talk to you, I get it if you want to leave”

Annabelle just sat there, and looked at her, then looked forward.

“I’m not gonna leave” she said.

Skyler just decided there and take the approach of shutting up and looking cool like Annabelle instead of overthinking everything.

“Okay” Skyler responded.

The bell rang.

“What class do you have next?” Annabelle asked.

“Nothing, free period” Skyler responded. “How about you?” she followed up.

“Whenever I want is a free period”. Annabelle said while standing up on a chair in the band room dramatically.

The two of them, they had been completely unable to speak for such a long time decided to leave to hang out.

Annabelle jumped down form the chair, and stuck her hand out. Skyler with a curious look on her face decided to take her hand and they left out of the room running.

The End.

The Telepathy Twins: Chapter #6

Day broke through the window. The twins had no clue what time it was. Adam was awake, watching over everything, and Adla was sleeping on a sack of flour. Not the best place ever, but for them it was a new sort of home. They had slept in a small closet with all sorts of bags, Bert said he didn’t have a an extra room for them. Despite the digs, they had amazing food for living in a diner.

Adam eventually woke Adla up. “Hey, good morning sunshine” Adam spoke to her in a soft tone while nudging her to wake up.

“Hey” she said in a grouchy tone, “so our entire life wasn’t just a dream, it’s a real thing, great.”

“Glad I can count on you to be there with sarcasm” Adam responded. She just rolled her eyes, they got out of the little room they were in, and came into the diner where Bert had breakfast waiting for them.

“Good mornin’ kids” Bert said when he saw their tired faces. “Once you’re done with dinner I already got your chores lined up for ya” he followed up.

“Okay, thanks again” Adla responded changing her tone for the sake of whom she was speaking to.

Bert left to check up on other things while the two twins sat there eating their meal in silence. Adla spoke to Adam telepathically no use of powers today, I know that is hypocritical because I am using them now, but do nothing to give away our position. In between chewing, Adam nodded.

The kids finished their meals and Adla went to go find Bert about their chores.

“Say, you must be the brains of this operation, you always seem to be the one doin’ the talking” Bert said while staring Adla down.

“Adam strives to be the strong and silent type, but it doesn’t exactly work” Adla responded. They laughed for a second, but then a bit of silence lingered.

“Well, what was your name again?” Bert asked.

“Adla”, she responded politely.

“I’ll have mercy on you since you are the brains of the operation and start you off with cleaning the dishes, but your brother has to clean out the bathrooms” Bert responded.

Adla giggled for a moment. A greasy truck stop diner, and Adam had to clean the bathroom of it.

They immediately got to work, at least Adla did, Adam did as much as he could before he needed to step outside for oxygen.

Adla and Adam both finished around noon, well, their are two bathrooms at the diner, and Adam had only finished one. Adla somehow managed to clean the two foot tall monster of dishes with half eaten food and stains on them. She figured those were all the dishes this place had. The lower and lower she got to digging in the pile, Adla discovered that Bert probably hadn’t done the dishes in about a month.

For the rest of the day Adam cleaned the second bathroom, and Adla was promoted to working on the cash register.

“Hey hottie” A boy said. He looked about Adla and Adam’s age (17). He was about 5’6 with fiery red hair. Red eyebrows and a red goatee. He was skinny to the bone, and when he walked in everyone turned. A popular kid. Adla thought to herself. A rude popular kid. He approached the cash register with his arms sweeping behind him trying to look cool.

“So hottie” he said looking Adla over. “You’re new aren’t you? Well, you must be from Tennessee, because you’re the only ten I see.” He continued. The rest of the diner just watched with amazement on the edge of their seats to see if the new girl would be the first girl to turn him down.

“Un, no, and unlike the people here, your ignorance is not appealing to me, but do you want to order something?” She replied. The boy had a confused look on his face as if he did not understand most of what she said, but he still continued with his harassed come back.

“Yeah, I’d like to order you on my table” He said. Adla’s face went red. This had never happened before and she didn’t know what to do. Adam Help!! She sent a message to her brother. Before the boy could open his mouth again Bert came walking out of the kitchen smelling like grease and sweat. Bert standing straight in front of the boy was towering over him with his arms crossed he looked down at the boy, then looked at Adla.

“Honney, is this boy giving you trouble?” Bert asked.

“Uh, I just feel kind of uncomfortable” Adla responded. Adam rushed out of the bathroom smelling like, well crap.

“What happened?! Are you okay?!” He said huffing and puffing for fresh air.

“Yeah, I’m okay” Adla responded.

“Because Matt here was just leaving” Bert said moving his point of vision from the twins to the fiery boy.

“Fine, but I’ll remember this” He said.

“I hope you do” Bert replied. The boy left. Adla’s face was still red like a tomato.

“Adla, are you okay, do you need to take a break?” Adam asked.

“Yes, yes, I’m quite fine now, stop smothering me, I’m fine to keep working” she replied to Adam, then looked up “Thank you Bert”. The rest of the diner went back to eating their food unimpressed.

“Yes, thank you” Adam added.

“Anny time kids, and if that ever happens again, just give me a holer, this is a small town, and some of the boys here think they can go and own everything around here that’s new.” Bert subtly warned the kids.


Midnight. The kids sat outside the diner just looking at the stars. Bert offered to clean up the rest of the restaurant for that night. Their was a soft cool breeze, that filled the warm air, as the twins looked up at the stars, and at the full harvest moon that lit up the night. Thank you Adam, but you must stop smothering me all the time. He looked at her, then looked at the stars, nodded, then smiled.